Building a Highlight Reel


During our virtual and socially distant team meeting this past weekend the conversation shifted into a step by step view of 29er gybes. The timing and mechanics of a skiff gybe require accuracy, agility, and precision. Three skills that are developed and made permanent by repetition through deliberate practice.How can we improve our gybes off-the-water?Watching and learning from others is one way we can improve. We recommend you watch some film and imagine yourself step by step going through the action. Using this process of "visualization" you can mentally rehearse each step."Visualization in sports or mental imagery is a way of conditioning for your brain for successful outcomes. The more you mentally rehearse your performance, the more it becomes habituated in your mind." ( now is the perfect time to practice this skill of visualization. This tool of visualization helps you build strong neutral pathways which help your thoughts become action. In plain english, the more you see it, the more likely it is to happen.While on our "Zoom" call the team reviewed some video footage together of a recent training day. Charlie recommended we watch some of Neil Marcelli's YouTube videos of his "Best 29er Gybes."This not only helped improve our team's understanding of the timing and mechanics of successful gybes, many of the perspectives (like the one below) help you see and experience the maneuver.Out of this exercise we have a new challenge for you: Build your playlist of the best skiff maneuvers.We are asking for three links to videos of the best skiff boathandling moves. Send us your clips and we'll add them to the playlist.Here's our top 3 skiff gybing videos to get you started.

Want to learn more about "How to Use Sports Visualization For successful Performance:

  1. Visualize the outcome you want – When you mentally rehearse your performance in your head, make sure you see the event as how you want it to unfold. If your mental images turn negative, stop the mental tape, rewind and restart then visualize again see the performance you want to see.
  2. Use all your senses from a first-person perspective – Visualize your sports performance in detail. What would you see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Feel how your body would feel as you go through the motions of your performance. Try adding in some physical movements that coincide with the visualized images. Feel the excitement of successfully fulfilling your performance goal.
  3. Practice frequently – Mental rehearsal for athletes is a skill that becomes better with repetition. Practice your visualization or imagery daily.
  4. If you want to take advantage of the power of visualization, consult with a Mental Game Coach about incorporating this essential skill into your training."

Inside the Mindset of A Champion


High Performance Post-Its